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Carter Center Library Speech | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Robert Rosen - July 17, 2006
“By late 1942, the United States and its Allies were aware of the death camps, but did nothing to destroy them.” I told Ali that this statement could not possibly be true. The United States was not even a belligerent in World War II until December 7, 1941 when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. How could we have saved the Jews of Europe in 1942? But, “Dad,” she said, “I don’t think they put lies on Holocaust Memorials.” I told Ali I thought the statement – while literally true – was not correct, and I set out to find what this was all about. It turns out that the statement implies, incorrectly, that we Americans were morally culpable for failing to destroy death camps we were unable to destroy in 1942,or in 1943 for that matter. What I found was quite remarkable: One of the biggest mistaken interpretations of American history ever, and it involved one of our most important presidents, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. A large group of historians, writers, journalists, filmmakers, activists, rabbis, and others, have created a body of work which paints FDR, his Administration and the American people as not caring at all about the plight of European Jewry, and even complicit in the Holocaust. In the words of one prominent historian, David Wyman, the Roosevelt Administration and the American people were, the “ all too passive accomplices,” of the Nazis. Many of you are familiar with these books, The Abandonment of the Jews by Wyman, While Six Million Died by Arthur D. Morse - among many others, and with this version of history. Millions of Americans have been influenced by them because general American histories rely on these books and authors. THE ONLY PROBLEM IS THAT IN MY OPINION - AFTER SIX YEARS OF RESEARCH - THEY ARE WRONG. These are the main charges made against Franklin Roosevelt: His failure to save the passengers on the S.S. St. Louis in 1939, his failure to change the immigration laws and to speak out against the Holocaust; and his refusal to bomb Auschwitz.
1. The S.S. St. Louis
2. Immigration Laws
But why did we not allow the St. Louis passengers in? America had taken in millions of Jews, Poles, Italians, Greeks, Slavs, and others in the late 19 th and early 20 th century. The ancestors of most Jews in America today emigrated between 1880 and 1920. But by the 19 teens, the great majority of Americans feared the new wave of immigrants. By the 1920s, after the Haymarket bombing by anarchists in Chicago in 1886, the rise of violent, radical, and even revolutionary labor movements, the assassination of President McKinley in 1901 by a Polish anarchist, the Bolshevik Revolution of November, 1917, the rise of the Communist party in the United States, the dramatic increase in the number of Polish and Italian Catholics, Slavs, Jews and others whose politics, culture, religion, dress, language, and behavior were very foreign to the majority of white Anglo Saxon, Protestants, Americans demanded that Congress dramatic ally curtail immigration. Congress did so in draconian laws enacted in 1921 and 1924. Antisemitism certainly played in this legislation, although only a part. Clearly Jewish radicals, such as Emma Goldman whose boyfriend, Alexander Berkman who shot Carnegie Steel executive, Henry Clay Frick, did not win any friends. And the large number of Jews who were active in left-wing Socialist, anarchist and Communist causes, did not endear the American people to Jewish immigrants. “The Statue of Liberty would still stand in New York harbor,” Maldwyn Jones observed, “but the verses on its base would henceforth be but a tribute to a vanished ideal.” (40) The immigration laws were amended, by an overwhelming vote in the Senate of 62 to 6 and in the House of Representatives of 326 to 71. (40)
There was no possibility of the United States opening its doors to any more immigrants, regardless of their religion, race, or tragic situation. The passengers on the St. Louis were among many European refugees---anti-Nazis, anti-Fascists, Socialists, labor leaders, refugees from the Spanish Civil War---all seeking entrance to the United States.
3. Crystal Night
4. Immigration in 1940-1941
After the fall of France in 1940, the United States and Great Britain were stunned. France’s army had been larger than the German army. People could not believe that Germany could so swiftly conquer, not only France, but Norway, Denmark, Poland, the Netherlands, and Belgium.
The Final Solution began with the German invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941. Roosevelt had been re-elected by promising to keep a reluctant America out of the war. Massive massacres of Jews, such as the murder of 33,000 at Babi-Yar occurred in September 1941 before the United States was even in the war. By the end of 1942, Hitler was the master of Europe, from Norway to North Africa, from the Atlantic Ocean to the gates of Moscow. He was able to annihilate six million Jews in Poland, the Soviet Union and Europe, as he had absolute control of the killing fields.
5. Silence
View Presidents Warning On Atrocities As early as October 7, 1942, Roosevelt warned the Nazi leaders that the Allies were aware of their war crimes and that “it was the intention of this government that the successful close of the war shall include provisions for the surrender to the United Nations of War Criminals; and that the criminals would receive a certain punishment.” This was the origin of the Nuremberg trials.
Why this declaration is barely quoted by legions of Roosevelt critics I do not know. Michael Beschloss in his best seller, The Conquerors, entitles his chapter on the subject, “The Terrible Silence,” and claims there was a “conspiracy of silence.” But there was no conspiracy and Roosevelt was certainly not silent. The Jews of Europe had been Hitler’s prisoners since 1940. 3.5 million Jews were dead by December 1942, one year after Pearl Harbor. Not until the Normandy invasion could we begin the process of liberating Hitler’s Jewish prisoners, held, beyond Germany, in faraway Poland.
6. War Refugee Board
Even in the face of this difficult military situation, Henry Morganthau, Jr. and others, convinced FDR to establish an American agency to try to save the Jews of Europe, FDR created the War Refugee Board in 1944 by executive order. He warned the Hungarians in March 1944 to not participate in what he called, “one of the blackest crimes of all history, begun by the Nazis in the days of peace and multiplied by them a hundred times in time of war. The wholesale systematic murder of the Jews of Europe goes on unabated every hour.” He promised swift punishment to the Nazis. “The United Nations has made it clear,” he said, “that they will pursue the guilty and deliver them up in order that justice be done.”
7. Auschwitz
Finally we come to the explosive issue of the failure to bomb of Auschwitz. Arial View Of Auschwitz We first have to accept the fact that the power and precision of World War II aerial bombardment was mythical and the American military knew it. Only one in five bombers got within 5 miles of its designated target. Successfully bombing Auschwitz meant killing the Jews in the camps. This included killing Anne Frank and her entire family. Bombing the railroad tracks from Hungry to Auschwitz would have been useless. First, it was a difficult task limiting air power needed for Normandy invasion in the Summer of 1944; second, trains could divert to other routes; and third, the railway lines could be repaired in a matter of hours. As Georgians are well aware, even the Confederate Army could quickly repair railway lines during the Civil War. That is why General William Tecumseh Sherman tied them in knots (474).
There is no question that American bombers could have bombed Auschwitz between May and November 1944. Indeed the U.S. Air force bombed the complex where Auschwitz was situated. But no one wanted to bomb Auschwitz, especially Jews. The overwhelming majority of the Jewish leadership worldwide - including David Ben-Gurion (later the first Prime Minister of Israel), Jewish Agency Executive of Palestine, and the World Jewish Congress - adamantly opposed the bombing, “We do not know the truth concerning the entire situation in Poland,” Ben-Gurion said, “and it seems we will be unable to propose anything concerning this matter.” Another member of the JAE said, “it is forbidden for us to take responsibility for a bombing that could very well cause the death of even one Jew.” A. Leon Kubowitzki, himself a refugee from Nazi-occupied Europe and head of the rescue department of the World Jewish Congress, wrote the director of the War Refugee Board, John Pehle, and underlined it for emphasis: “ View Letter The destruction of the death installations cannot be done by bombing from the air, as the first victims would be the Jews who are gathered in these camps, and such a bombing would be a welcome pretext for the Germans to assert that their Jewish victims have been massacred not by their killers, but by the allied bombings.” Despite erroneous assertions by many historians and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Jewish leaders overwhelmingly opposed the bombing of Auschwitz. Kubowitzki wrote to one Jewish leader, “I think you know that we are not in favor of the bombing of the extermination installations….Because we believe in hayei shaa [literally, “life of the hour,” meaning saving those currently living] and we are afraid for the Jewish victims of such bombings and giving the Germans an alibi.” View Letter The Holocaust Museum takes one of Kubowitzki’s numerous letters to John McCloy, assistant Secretary of War and enlarged it to make it appear that he was requesting the bombing of Auschwitz. Not True. This letter, the centerpiece of the Museum’s display on the bombing of Auschwitz, merely passed on a message from the Czechoslovakian government in exile and McCloy was well aware that Kubowitzki and the World Jewish Congress adamantly opposed the bombing of Auschwitz. View First Letter View Second Letter (I have written the Holocaust Museum about this blatant error, but have yet to hear back from their Chief Historian.) Representatives of all major Jewish organizations meet with Pehle, the Director of the War Refugee Board, on August 16, 1944 and none were in favor of the bombing of Auschwitz. It is a controversy created by historians, not by the actual participants in history.
*** I will leave you with the views of two contemporary American rabbis on FDR’s death: “Men the world over will ever be grateful to God,” Rabbi Max Kleiman said in his eulogy of Roosevelt, “that is was this man who stood at the helm in a position to give leadership to the American people in the dark hours of ruthless Nazi barbarism seeking to destroy the work of ages.” (89) And Rabbi David Matt said: “As to the Jews in Europe and the Jewish aspirations in Palestine, Roosevelt was a powerful and sympathetic friend and spokesman. His passion for justice and his innate, over-mastering desire to aid the underprivileged, those who were most in need of help, explain his great interest in the welfare of the Jews of the world, who were the first, and the greatest, sufferers from Nazism and Fascism." |
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